“For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.” Romans 1:20

From the blog
The scent of Autumn in the air and the sight of harvesters in the corn fields ushered in a flood of memories. Where did the years go? Familiar faces with a few scattered creases on their faces and gray hair greet each other with a tender hug…
The Holiday season blew past me at turbo speed this year. Nevertheless, we made precious memories with our family. Every year we have the tradition of making a family prayer list.
A couple weeks ago my husband and I were enjoying a day of yard work. I suppose for some that statement is a little strange.
The holidays have passed and all the decorations have been packed away for another year. We had some unseasonably warm weather in the month of December, so much so that my bearded iris bloomed!
A few years ago I walked through my daddy’s barn for the last time. It had been years since any animals were sheltered there. Beyond the cobwebs and old hay there was a beautiful structure.
In the Garden
In early spring I started a new flower bed. The trees in the back yard had matured so much that my sun loving perennials were reaching for light. The location I selected had an established lawn.
Don’t buy plant labels for your garden this year. Make your own from the things that you probably already have sitting around your house. We used the 2” wide faux wood blinds for this project.
Geraniums (Pelargonium) are easily started from seed by following these simple steps: Geraniums will bloom 12-15 weeks from the day the seed is sown.

Daily Encouragement
Make sure to follow us on social media for a daily scripture tied to a garden themed picture.