Salvaging the Windfalls
We had two apple trees on the farm I grew up on. At harvest time one of the chores I had was to go out every day and pick up the windfall apples. Windfall apples, as the name implies, are apples that have blown down from the tree by the wind. Almost every one of these apples is bruised, cracked or scarred. It is imperative to keep these apples picked up. Apples left on the ground will soon attract pests and disease that could infect the desirable apples in the tree. My mother was a master at making good use of everything we had. This held true with the windfall apples. She washed them and then examined each one carefully. She cut off the bruises, cracks and scars, peeled them, and placed them in a deep pot of water. She allowed the pot to boil for a time and then added sugar. This wonderful mixture became the best applesauce I have ever tasted. My mother’s knowledge of just the right amount of sugar and cooking time turned these would be rejects into a treat we enjoyed all winter long.
“For my sins have flooded over my head; they are a burden too heavy for me to bear…I put my hope in You, Lord; You will answer, Lord my God. (Psalms 38:4 & 15)
A few years ago an elderly gentleman I know told me a story. He had accepted Jesus into his life as a young man. He had a brother that he loved dearly. He talked to his brother about the Lord time and time again. At first his brother laughed him off. Years passed; both brothers fought in WWII. Both brothers married and had children. The Christian man and his wife faithfully served the Lord. They took their little family to church every time the doors were open. They prayed and read their Bibles every day. Tough times came and passed but they stood firm on their faith.
The brother continued to reject opportunities to receive the Lord into his heart. He was married and divorced three times. His children experimented with drugs and were known in their little town as trouble makers. The Christian man talked to his brother over and over again about the peace and victory we can have in our lives by serving Jesus Christ. In his old age the brother’s rejection was the same but the excuse changed. The brother’s reply became, “The Lord can’t forgive me, I have done too many things.”
The day came when that brother was on his death bed. Once again the Christian man encouraged his brother to accept the salvation that is freely given to us by Jesus. Finally, in his last moments, he called out to God to save him. A peace came over him there on that death bed. He smiled at his Christian brother and said, “I’ll see you again someday.” And he passed away. There is a bitter sweetness to this story. Praise God that man is spending eternity in heaven. But how different his life, and the lives of his children could have been.
If you are reading this today, then it is not too late for you. No matter what you have done or where you have been, there is nothing too big that God will not forgive. 1 John 1:9 says, “But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.” Any dictionary you look in will give the same definition for the word, “all.” There is nothing that can be left out from the meaning; all is all. We are not right with God because of what we do. We are right with God because of what Jesus did.
“For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.” (2 Corinthians 5:21)
A relationship with Jesus is a daily walk. Each and every day we must examine ourselves. As humans we will fail Him. Yet, He loves us so much that He will forgive us and help us to begin each day new, fresh and clean.
There is another definition for the word, “windfall.” It also means, “Unexpected gain or good fortune.” What a wonderful comparison! We come to Christ with all our bruises, scars and imperfections. He faithfully removes all of them and makes us into something brand new and desirable. What an unexpected gain indeed.
“He died for everyone so that those who receive His new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them…this means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone’ a new life has begun!” (2 Corinthians 5:15 & 17)