Homemade Bread


A few weeks ago, I got a text from my daughter-in-law. She asked me to stop by their home because she had something for my husband and I. When we walked in the door, there on the kitchen table sat a picture-perfect loaf of homemade bread.

As soon as we got back home, I sliced the bread and smothered it with some homemade peach jam. Immediately beautiful memories from my childhood came flooding back to me. My mother made virtually everything from scratch. So much so that when she purchased flour from the store, it was in twenty-five-pound quantities. Bread-making was part of her weekly routine. Mom's recipe made five loaves at a time. The intention was that those five loaves to last a week for our family of eight. I have to admit that it was very hard not to spoil my supper on a baking day in our house. The kitchen counter was full of all kinds of homemade bread, dinner rolls, and cinnamon rolls. The sight and smells were almost more than I could take. I wanted to have a whole loaf for myself, peculiarly while it was still warm. Mom made jellies and jams from the currants, strawberries, rhubarb, and wild elderberries that grew on our farm.

As wonderful as it was, I also remember how much I took for granted. I often traded my sandwiches of homemade bread and home-raised roast beef for purchased bread and cold meat at school. I also exchanged my homemade cookies for Twinkie's and Ding Dongs.

"Therefore, we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away." Hebrews 2:1

I have seen many seasons in my life. I know the joy of seeing God's miraculous healing and provision. I also know very well the feeling of hopelessness and despair. I know shame and disgrace. However, I can say without fear of contradiction that God's grace overcomes any darkness or sorrow that the enemy and life will throw our way.

My husband asked someone the other day how they were doing. Their response was, "Besides life kicking my butt, I guess I'm doing ok."

That statement started a long conversation for my husband and I. It caused us to stop and count our blessings. We may not live in the home of our dreams, go on expensive vacations, or wear designer clothing. But, we have three wonderful sons, three beautiful daughters-in-law, and an amazing little grandson that are happy, healthy, and serve God. In other words, we have what matters.

I have been at enough people's death beds to know when the last few moments of our life arrive; we don't lay there wishing we would have had a better house, larger bank account, or worry how our hair and makeup look. The only thing that matters is that we know God, we know where we will be in eternity, and the most important people in our lives love us and will be there till the very end.

We live in a day and age of busyness. I challenge you to ask yourself, "What am I busy doing?" What have I done today that will make someone else's life better? Can you make a phone call, write a card, at least send a text? Big or small is not the issue. What is important is that it was for someone besides yourself.

Jesus told us in the Word that He did not come to be served but to serve (Mark 10:45.) Most of us do not have to look very far to find someone less fortunate than ourselves. Did you get out of bed by yourself this morning? Were you able to eat and dress on your own? This list could go on and on.

How big is the God you claim to serve...really?

 Do you believe He can bless Brother & Sister So and So who have the latest and greatest of everything and still have enough for you? 

Do you believe that He even wants to?

"And He Himself existed and is before all things, and in Him, all things hold together. [His is the controlling, cohesive force of the universe.]" Colossians 1:17 (AMP)

He spoke, and the universe came into existence, and by His power, it stays right where He told it to. The mind-blowing fact today is that as almighty and amazing that He is, He knows your name. He knows every thought, every word you are going to speak even before you say it. You are not a mistake. You are not hopeless or doomed. He is waiting, longing for you to quit trying to run your own life and give everything over to Him. Make yourself busy with what concerns Him people. When you do, I guarantee you will see your own life in a new way. The "homemade bread" will be fresh, warm, and enjoyable again. And you won't want to trade it for anything in the world.

"But as for me, I will look expectantly for the Lord, and with confidence in Him, I will keep watch; I will wait [with confident expectation] for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me." Micah 7:7

Helen DeBell